Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Social it the new philosophy for kids and teens?

Philosophy is about discussion, questioning and experimenting with ideas. Social media outlets let us and our kids join in discussions on topics that are of interest to them. With social media we are able to question others' thoughts and ideas. We are able to express our ideas and hear others' opinions of our ideas.

Now the question is, can we use this new social phenomenon to expand literacy and learning skills in kids and teens. I don't know a teen that doesn't use the Internet. And most are using some form of social media. They are expressing their ideas and therefore, in some form or another, developing philosophical skills that help, in turn, develop literacy skills.

With social media being a medium of free expression, we are bombarded with so much information and must use and therefore, build our information processing skills. When reading and writing, whether for pleasure or purpose, we use the same info processing skills. We then enquire, reason and creatively think of our own 'philosophy' on the topic.

So how can we integrate social media into teaching literacy, critical thinking and philosophy to kids and teens?

By Joanna Ferensowicz, President, STELLAA

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